This complex desk incorporates a large number of elements, from the domed wooden hand holding a cat skull to the illuminated globe which has been rotated so that Africa joins onto South America at the equator.
In addition to multiple lights that illuminate different parts of the object, there’s also a desk lamp on a swing arm that can be positioned to any point where specific lighting is required.
The surface is large enough to take a tablet or a sheet of writing paper, but would struggle to hold a laptop.

height: 1260 mm
width: 740 mm
depth: 630 mm

The book contains a remote control to turn the light (and the room lights) on and off. The crocodile is the remains of one brought back from a cruise on the Oriana in the 1970s by my parents, which gives this piece its name.

The skull, inside the vintage clock face, is situated on the right hand side of the pedestal. It can’t be seen in the main image.

The library comprises handmade miniature books with genuine covers. The cutlery has been created from bones and miscellaneous hardware.

On the right, an anatomical model can be glimpsed through the lattice. On the left, a Japanese preserved fish skeleton is lit from below at the top of the staircase.